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Services: Event


Morning service

Our morning service starts at 10am and lasts about one hour.

The pattern of services through the month is as follows -

First Sunday - Lay led all age Family Service.

Second Sunday -Eucharist with sung Gloria.

Third Sunday - Lay led Morning Praise.

Fourth Sunday - Less formal Communion.

Fifth Sunday - Something a bit different, sometimes a Songs of Praise, sometimes cafe style with croissants and coffee.


We are relatively informal and enjoy a mixture of traditional and contemporary songs. 


We continue to publish recordings of our services on the St Aldhelm's Facebook Page if you are not able to join us in person



There is a creche room at the back of church which children are welcome to use. There is a window and a loudspeaker so that parents staying with their children can still be involved in the service, and a wide selection of toys to play with for the children. 



After the service, coffee, tea, juice and biscuits are served from the kitchen at the back of church, so do stay around to say hello.





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