St Aldhelm's, Bristol
Centred on Jesus • Sharing his love • Serving in his name
Weekly church activities
We would love to welcome you at any of these events:
Our Sunday morning service starts at 10am.
Read more about our Sunday activities here.
Our Wednesday Morning Service starts at 10am.
During this, there is a time of prayer and a space for peaceful, quiet reflection. The 1st Wednesday of each month is communion.
Coffee morning
Every Wednesday morning we have a coffee morning between 10.45am and 11.45 am. This is very informal so please do come and go as you please, we would love to meet you.
House groups
House groups are midweek groups which meet in home settings. We read and discuss the Bible, pray together and get to know each other better.
If you would like to join a house group, please speak to someone at church or let us know.​
St Aldhelm's toddler group
We have a busy and welcoming parent and toddler group which meets twice a week during term time - for more information see the Children and families page.